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First foster carers in assessment for young people with disabilities


We are pleased to announce that our first foster carers able to offer a foster home to a young person with a disability have chosen to apply to Young People at Heart and will shortly commence their assessment process. They are booked into Panel in December. The couple have a fully accessible home with a ground floor bedroom and wetroom and are returning to fostering after taking a break following an end of life placement. They also have a second bedroom available for fostering which affords the opportunity of fostering a young person with a disability and one or two of their siblings.

Gary Cox, Chief Executive of Young People at Heart, said that providing placements for young people with disabilities had been an ambition of his and Davina’s when they founded the organisation and they were delighted that such experienced foster carers had chosen to join us. He said the work the couple had done caring for a severely disabled young person until their passing was remarkable and that it would be a priviledge to welcome such dedicated and special people to Young People at Heart.

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