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Feel Good Friday – School Attendance


We all know the importance of our children and young people attending school every day so at Young People at Heart we are proud that all of our young people are in an education provision. For some, attending school on a regular basis is a new experience but the importance of this commitment has been reflected in their academic progress, end of year reports and attendance awards.

Thanks to our fantastic foster carers, who make sure our children and young people get to school on time, attend extra booster classes if needed, ensure their homework is completed, and explain to them the importance of attending school to get a good education, many of our children, received certificates, medals, or prizes for 100% attendance at recent end of year assemblies.

Our children and young people have also made huge progress academically, in most core subjects and Phonics. Some were well below target achievements and others were a year or two behind in school so you can imagine the pride and sense of achievement when recent results and reports showed young people achieving at the expected level and in some cases, rejoining their correct year group.

One of our most exciting pieces of news in the last few months is that one of our first foster children, who finished college this year, will be returning to school, but this time as a teaching apprentice!

Without the dedication, commitment and encouragement from our selfless foster carers, our children and young people would not be achieving, meeting targets, or excelling in education like they are. Thank you for being such effective advocates, supportive foster parents and caring role models.

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