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email hello@youngpeopleatheart.org or call us on 07518 173083

Being A Part of the Team


When talking about working for a fostering organisation, most minds will think of the social workers and front-line support workers, however there are others behind the scenes. The admin team have a big role in keeping the information flowing through the organisation. From, and to carers, as well as keeping on top of statuary requirements checks.  Being a part of Young people at Heart, even if its not at the coal face, is an immensely rewarding role. 

Since I started working with children in care, I have seen multiple young people grow and move on to positive outcomes, including university and having their own family.  However, it’s not just the big events for children that make it rewarding, hearing stories of children learning to tie their shoelaces, going on holiday for the 1st time, seeing the seaside and having candyfloss or even just having their own teddy are just as important.

Being involved in Young People at Heart, attending the training, events and talking to the young people reminds me on a daily basis why I work here and what a rewarding role it is and why we do what we do, even on the hard days.

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