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email hello@youngpeopleatheart.org or call us on 07518 173083

News Carers, New Placements!


Today was a doubly memorable day for Young People at Heart when two foster carer households transferring from another agency with young people in placement officially became Young People at Heart foster carers.

We also received our first referral, siblings, and we have matched them with the third family who transferred to us. The family transferred to us without a placement and Young People at Heart have been making Local Authorities aware of the vacancy and the particular strengths of these carers . We are now working with the placing Authority and hope to introduce the young people to our foster carer family tomorrow.

Young People at Heart is continuing to recruit new and experienced foster carers, so if you are new to foster care or are an experienced foster carer, with or without a placement, complete our contact form on the website or email us and we’ll be in touch.


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